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Embracing Diversity, Fostering Inclusion, and Cultivating Compassion: A Conversation with Hannah Youell from International House World Organisation

Published Bernice on Tuesday, December 5, 2023 6:48 AM

Embracing Diversity, Fostering Inclusion, and Cultivating Compassion: A Conversation with Hannah Youell from International House World Organisation

In a recent live broadcast hosted by Schools & Agents, the focus was on the pivotal themes of diversity, inclusion, and compassion in international education. The conversation featured insights and experiences from Hannah Youell, a representative of the International House World Organisation (IHWO). This article delves into the key points discussed during the live session, exploring how IHWO actively advocates for diversity, inclusivity, and compassion within its global educational community.

Defining Diversity and Compassion

The conversation opened with an exploration of what diversity and compassion mean to Hannah Youell and how she became an advocate for these principles. She emphasised that diversity extends beyond visible differences, encompassing a range of backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Compassion, according to Youell, involves understanding and empathy, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and heard. Her advocacy is grounded in a belief in the transformative power of education and its positive impact on individuals and communities.

IHWO's Commitment to Diversity

Given IHWO's global reach, the discussion moved to how the organisation actively demonstrates its commitment to diversity within the International House community. Youell highlighted IHWO's embrace of diversity as a core value, recognising and celebrating the richness it brings to the learning experience. IHWO actively promotes an inclusive environment that respects and appreciates the uniqueness of each individual within its global educational community.

Initiatives Fostering Inclusivity

Examples of specific initiatives and programmes implemented by IHWO to foster inclusivity were discussed. These initiatives include culturally sensitive teaching practices, language support programmes, and collaborative projects promoting cross-cultural understanding. IHWO continually seeks feedback from students and staff to enhance its approach to inclusivity, ensuring that everyone experiences a sense of belonging within the diverse global educational community.

Compassion in Education

Compassion emerged as a key element in building a supportive educational environment. Youell elaborated on how IHWO encourages and prioritises compassionate practices among educators, staff, and students. Training programmes, mentorship opportunities, and resources on intercultural communication form integral components of IHWO's strategy to cultivate compassion. The goal is to create an environment where individuals can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.

A Message for Schools and Agents

To schools and agents considering initiatives to raise awareness about compassion and diversity in their day-to-day work, Youell offered an inspiring message. She stressed the importance of starting small, engaging in open conversations, and actively seeking diverse perspectives. By creating an environment that values and celebrates differences, schools and agents can contribute to a more inclusive and compassionate global education landscape.

In case you've missed it, you can watch the live broadcast here again:

The live broadcast with Hannah Youell from International House World Organisation provided a deep exploration of crucial topics in international education—diversity, inclusion, and compassion. IHWO's commitment to these principles serves as a model for educational institutions worldwide, inspiring a collective effort to create learning environments that nurture the potential of every individual, regardless of their background or identity.


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